Advancements in Patient-Centered Care

Stay up to date with the latest advancements in oral oncolytics, medically-integrated oncology, and cancer care best practices.

Specialty Pharmacies Proliferate

May 3, 2015

NCODA’s View: This article highlights some of the challenges and issues that exist when you separate patients from the care and services they require. Cancer patients can be particular affected by this fragmentation and will benefit greatly by the expertise and capability of receiving their medications from their oncologist with a dedicated dispensing department. Having […]
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What Is a Navigator?

May 2, 2015

NCODA’s View: Proper handling and disposal of hazardous drugs is important. Dispensing practices can have a major impact in the education of patients and caregivers to help minimize exposure to these potentially harmful medications. The Ins and Outs Article – Click here to read more. TOP – May 2015, Vol 8, No 2 – CONFERENCE […]
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NCODA – Celebrating 1 year…success builds success…continuing to re-define the patient-centered model for the optimal management of oral cancer drug therapy.

April 24, 2015

April 2015 marks the one-year anniversary for the beginning of National Community Oncology Dispensing Association, Inc. (NCODA). Recognizing the growing separation between direct patient oversight and delivery of therapy, a group of dedicated pharmacists from New York gathered together to reverse the trend. Believing the best place for quality patient care lies with the treating […]
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NCODA – Leading a new standard in optimizing quality patient care to cancer patients receiving oral therapy.

March 20, 2015

March 19, 2015 (Syracuse, NY) – The ever changing environment of new treatment options for cancer patients is rapidly moving to a mix of intravenous and oral therapies. The increase in oral treatment options has led to many challenges in the current model of obtaining and delivering quality patient care. The National Community Oncology Dispensing […]
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Cazenovia, NY 13035

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