• Desmoid tumors are rare, locally aggressive soft tissue tumors1
  • Until October 1, 2023, desmoid tumors fell under an ICD-10-CM code (D48.1) covering a variety of connective and soft tissue tumors of “uncertain behavior”2
  • As of October 1, 2023, ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes are available for desmoid tumors2


On October 1, 2023, location-specific International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) diagnosis codes became available for desmoid tumors.

Desmoid tumors are proliferative and can be debilitating, disfiguring, and potentially life-threatening in rare cases when vital organs are impacted.1

Diagnostic delays for desmoid tumors occur frequently.3 These delays may be reduced through timely and accurate coding.

The availability of location-specific ICD-10-CM codes may help support increased patient identification, improve visibility into the patient journey, and enable healthcare providers to appropriately document a desmoid tumor diagnosis.

References: 1. Constantinidou A, Scurr M, Judson I, Litchman C. Clinical presentation of desmoid tumors. In: Litchman C, ed. Desmoid Tumors. Springer; 2012:5-16. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-1685-8_2 2. Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation. New ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes for desmoid tumors. Accessed August 21, 2023. 3. Kasper B, Baumgarten C, Garcia J, et al; Desmoid Working Group. An update on the management of sporadic desmoid-type fibromatosis: a European Consensus Initiative between Sarcoma PAtients EuroNet (SPAEN) and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)/Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG). Ann Oncol. 2017;28(10):2399-2408. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdx323 4. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 2024 ICD-10-CM codes. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Web Site. Accessed August 9, 2023.

Developed under the direction and sponsorship of SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc.

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