March 29, 2022
Katie Edmiston
NCODA Now Certified To Provide Continuing Education For Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians
CAZENOVIA, NY – NCODA, a professional association dedicated to empowering the medically-integrated oncology community through leadership, quality standards, and best practices, is now certified by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing education. Dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in oncology care, NCODA recognizes how quickly the oncolytic landscape is evolving and understands that to improve cancer patient care, providing ongoing and relevant learning opportunities to healthcare professionals is vital.
The overarching goal of NCODA’s Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) Program is to provide members with opportunities for lifelong learning and assistance in fulfilling their certification maintenance and licensure requirements, thereby promoting excellence in the provision of oncology pharmacy care. NCODA’s Manager of Education, Julianne Darling, PharmD, BCOP, is leading the initiative for the organization. “ACPE accreditation is an important milestone in the development of quality oncology education, and I am excited to lead NCODA’s ongoing education initiatives,” said Darling.
NCODA will provide professional continuing education in the area of oncology to pharmacy practitioners, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, in formats that are accessible and functional. The CPE offerings will be consistent with the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education’s guidelines.
An NCODA CE committee, consisting of healthcare professionals in the medically-integrated oncology community, is already at work planning upcoming NCODA CE activities. The committee will develop quality educational programs, evaluate performance outcomes, and deliver CPE programming in a cost-effective manner. “High quality patient care is accomplished through ongoing professional learning and development,” said Michael Reff, RPh, MBA, Founder and Executive Director of NCODA. “As NCODA begins our journey providing continuing education, our efforts will continue to evolve to offer a wide-range of professional educational opportunities that will align with our Mission; efforts that will positively impact all cancer patients.”
The first NCODA accredited CE offerings will be available at the upcoming 2022 International Spring Forum from April 27 – 29 in Atlanta, GA. The conference is complimentary to all NCODA members. Learn more and register here:
NCODA is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to empowering medically-integrated oncology practices to deliver positive, patient-centered outcomes by providing leadership, expertise, quality standards, and best practices. For more information about NCODA visit or follow @NCODA on LinkedIn.